Is Concierge Medicine For You?

“Live Your Life, With A Peace of Mind!”

What is a Private or Concierge Physician?
Since the mid 1970’s, concierge physicians and their practices have been recognized by many names, such as: private physicians, boutique practices, direct care practices, retainer practices and concierge physicians. One thing they all have in common is a direct financial relationship with their patients, and a commitment to restoring the doctor-patient relationship by eliminating the practice’s financial dependence from most insurance companies. Allowing physicians to have more time with each one of their patients, resulting in one-on-one personal quality care.

Traditional Physician Challenges:
The very things you dislike about the traditional health care system, your physician dislikes even more:

  • Doctors patient loads are too large, between 2,000 to 8,000 or more.
  • Patient wait times to schedule your physician are too long.
  • Physician appointments are too short.
  • Doctors have approximately 6 to 10 minutes to spend with each patient; resulting in a revolving door, when seeing patients.
  • Physicians cannot spend the time needed with their patients; otherwise, they become behind with their scheduled patients.
  • Physicians have to sacrifice their “Bed Side Manners” and “Personalized Care” in order to complete their scheduled daily patients.
  • Physicians do not have time to make an accurate diagnosis, with such large patient loads. Resulting in a higher number of misdiagnosis’s today.
  • Physicians are walking to the exam room reading your file, to update themselves on “Why You Are There?” 2-minutes before seeing you.

All of the above means less care regarding your health or pre-existing condition. This also can lead to misdiagnosed results, changing your life forever!

Physicians need to do as much as possible FOR the patient, and as little as possible TO the patient!

Why is this Important to You?

  • Medical decisions that should be made by you and your physician are often to heavily influenced by decisions made by insurance companies and/or your place of employment.
  • Traditional medical practices solely rely on insurance reimbursements for their existence.
  • Traditional health insurance companies inevitably, define and shape the care you and your family receive and don’t receive.

*A growing number of individuals are realizing every day that an investment and a relationship with a private physician is a smarter choice; versus, the traditional doctor care.

*Patients deserve to have access to their own personal concierge physician, one who spends the time needed to gather and learn about their patients' health and their life.

*Patients want accurate information about their own health, especially when it concerns their family and their future.

*Patients also look for transparency, for the right to ask difficult questions.

*When was the last time you looked at your own file, your own health records?

Concierge Medicine has been around for over 40-years and is being defined as the Modern-Day Health Care.

*Medicine allows you the ability to make your own health care choices, and the type of Quality Care you receive.
*You have complete control over your own health, for you and your family; while, managing the future of your health care destiny.
*Patients who choose concierge medical care are satisfied with the one-on-one attention they receive from their private physician.
*Patients also see a difference in their health, because of the specialized care and attention they receive.
*People who decide to join a concierge practice, say that the main selling points are: better care, immediate access to their physician, and retaining 100% of the concierge physicians undivided attention.

Personalized Care Is Simply Overall, Better Quality Health Care!